On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 05:58:29PM +0100, Miquel E. Cabanas said at one point in time:
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:52:19 Jerry Sloan wrote:
I need to be able to send an auto-reply to customers sending e-mail to our support department, I would like for the customer to get an auto-reply stating their e-mail has been received and that they will be contacted by a technician
check the man pages for `vacation'. Although intended to deliver "I'm avay on holidays" messages, it could be used for the purpose you mention. Indeed, it would handle repetitive messages from impatient customers.
while this would more or less work, however this bypasses all the checks that rc.submit do to validate that the user can even post to the list. there /should/ be some recipe that can be added to rc.local.s20... i pisted something about this a few days ago to the list about this very same thing. something like: :0 E wfh * !^FROM_DAEMON * !^X-Loop: ravi-autoreply@cow\.org | (formail -r -I "Subject: Message Recieved" -A"Precedence: junk" \ -A"X-Loop: ravi-autoreply@cow.org" ; cat /home/ravi/Mail/autoreply.txt) \ | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t should work and does, ifi recall correctly from my tests, but then the actual message doesn't get sent to the members of the list. it stops processing after this recipe. -r -- echo "send pgp key" | mail ravi@cow.org ; lynx http://cow.org ; echo "!gc" Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?