At 4:35 AM -0500 3/6/03, Violet is rumored to have typed:
every frickin' time AOL upgrades, it causes a whole new set of problems because the new program isn't on any of the instruction lists yet.
Won't be, either; AOL 8.0 CAN NOT send plain text email, joining MSN Messinger and some others. As one of the world's foremost proponents of rejecting HTML email, I have officially given up.
So I'm wondering... is there any way [or can anyone here come up with a way] to make Smartlist simply convert any and all HTML/encoded messages to plain text?
To add to the options listed by others, I use ( ) which I find about a aggressive in converting to plain text as anything else around. It'll happily strip tags from text/html messages as well as the easier "use-the-text/plain-section" that others use; it also _tells_ you what it's done, what attachment or sections have been removed, etc. I hacked the lists to not only run the mail through demime, but also add a note to the bottom that the server has altered the message. I then send a mail to the sender, asking them to attempt to send plain-text mail (understanding that some, AOL 8.x for example, can NOT), pointing them to a web page with more detailed information (which also suggests they find a real Internet provider). This seems to help get the Outlook-Express-on-default crowd to send text, while still allowing AOLamers to post. Charlie