hi, On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:52:19 Jerry Sloan wrote:
I need to be able to send an auto-reply to customers sending e-mail to our support department, I would like for the customer to get an auto-reply stating their e-mail has been received and that they will be contacted by a technician
check the man pages for `vacation'. Although intended to deliver "I'm avay on holidays" messages, it could be used for the purpose you mention. Indeed, it would handle repetitive messages from impatient customers. Miquel -- Miquel E Cabanas ------------------------------------------------------ Servei d'Espectroscopia de RMN (SeRMN), Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona Edifici Cs. Cerdanyola del Valles, 08193. Catalunya - Spain e-mail: Miquel.Cabanas@uab.es ------------------------------------------o-oo--ooo---ooo--oo-o--------