Paonia Ezrine [] wrote:
I am confused about smart list archives. I created a regular mailing list with createlist test do I also need to do a createlist -a test
The `-a` option is only used to set up an archive server *without* an associated mailing list. Since you already did the `createlist` command, you do not need to use the `-a` switch.
How do I set it up to keep all the messages and to move them to folders and stuff once a month? thanks Paonia
By default Smartlist just archives the last two messages sent to the mailing list (I think). If you want to modify the behavior, I suggest you look through the FAQ and/or the book _Managing Mailing Lists_ by Alan Schwartz. I believe they have some sample arch_trunc, arch_retrieve, and retrieve.local files. (Or just hack around the $LIST/.bin/arch.* files yourself <g>. )