At 7:31 AM -0500 3/7/03, Mitch Darer is rumored to have typed:
He uses ' AOL 5.0 for Mac sub 45' [according to full header]. Does anyone know how to effect a 'Redirect' in that email sw ? Or some other/workaround that he could use to Approve msgs from that email sw.
Ooh...I don't envy you there. AOL has always had a brain-damaged email client, and I'd be willing to bet a lot there's no way to do it, particularly with that old version of AOL for the Mac. (I don't think that version of AOL would even allow the use of a seperate client connection to a POP mail server, but it might be something to look into.) Hopefully, someone with more AOL experience will have more insight. I will admit one main "flaw" with SmartList is that it makes the base assumption that the list operators are using a "real" email application - by that, I mean (or more accurately, SmartList means) unix-based mail clients, and actually understand how to use them. Seems to me that there were other approval systems around...I'm wondering, though, if it isn't time to consider writing a (*shudder*) web-based add-on that would store inbound messages in a database, allowing direct approval/piping to flist on the host machine without even sendining them to the moderators. Much as I hate to admit it, the email clients today are becoming so "dumned-down" that new users are left floundering; they never get exposed to how email works, so there's no good way for them to learn anything other than how to make ransom notes. Suggest to anyone today that they need to "add a header field," and they look at you with a blank expression. (And this coming from one of the last holdouts of, "They're list maintainers, let 'em learn!") Charlie