Quoting Rick May <rick@toonstruck.com>:
No, that doesnt fit me at all..
If you don't provide enough information help is impossible. You should also ask your provider at first to give you the necessary help or sufficient access rights. If you can't get it, change your provider.
I provided all the information in an earlier message. I dont know what else I can provide. Im hoping someone had a similiar problem and can point me in the right direction. As far as my provider, I also previously stated that they provide no tech support for smartlist. Changing providers at this time is not an option.
You need to prepend a colon after "X-command". Please read the Smartlist Manual and don't rely on messages send to this list.
I did try with a colon after the X-command. Unfortunately I forgot to put that in my email to this mailing list. As far as the manual, all links to it from various FAQs dont seem to work. Rick