At 11:43 PM -0400 8/21/00, guenther+smartlist@gac.edu is rumored to have typed: You _are_ the "owner" of the software package, maintainer of the code, and the closest thing we have to a "daddy" here. I am NOT saying you need to do all the work (indeed, you _shouldn't_ be doing all the work); I _am_ saying that you need to make all of the DECISIONS. So far, both Werner and I have offered our servers to run the mailing lists, and I'm sure there are other people here who would be honored to perform this small service as well.
But we are NOT the keepers of the flame, you are.
I really don't understand this emotionally discussion. There are some simple things to decide and it shouldn't be too difficult to stay cool!? If Guenther don't want to decide about the lists we (the people who are willing to host them) should decide it. For myself it's most important that the lists can be safely hosted at the new place for years and that the responsible person is able to maintain them (and the respective web archives) for years. There needs to be also someone who will be responsible for www.procmail.org to update the links. There are more open questions but we don't need to discuss everything emotionally until it dies. Werner