I've been running SmartList for a lot of years now, mostly never need to touch it. But I've needed to move to new hardware for quite a while -- just hadn't gotten around to it. Thanks to Santiago for pointing out that SmartList is available as a package for Debian! That makes the move easier. Also, the Debian package has the Confirm package installed -- installing Confirm is another thing I should have done a while ago. Many thanks to Werner for all your good work on Confirm. Question -- The Confirm emails come From: SmartList <list-request@foo.com>, while the regular subscription reply just comes From: list-request@foo.com. Where is the setting to control the display name, so I can replace "SmartList" with something else, or eliminate it? Since I've never used Confirm before, I haven't run into this in the past, and I was hoping someone could point me to where the setting is located. Thanks! Merrick _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469230/direct/01/