Hi: Per FAQ 8.3, adding text to the Subject of list messages [which I've always used succesfully in the past] via rc.local.s20 [see way below]: On the most recent list I've set up, some messages contain this text and some DO NOT. Both senders are on dist, I don't think I see any differences in the headers, and I can't figure out what makes one different from the other. Has anyone seen this before, or does anyone have any suggestions for what I might look into to resolve? Thanks, Mitch ------------------------------------------ SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` # extract the subject :0fw * ! Subject:.*\[Focusing, Contemplative Practices and Spiritual Paths\] * ! Subject:.Re: * | formail -I "Subject: [Focusing, Contemplative Practices and Spiritual Paths] $SUBJ" # # Appending a footer to every outgoing mail: # :0 fbw | cat - footer.txt ---------------------------------------- Mitchell Darer, Systems Support / List Manager, mitch@focusing.org The Focusing Institute, 34 East Lane, Spring Valley, NY 10977 http://www.focusing.org (845) 362-5222, fax(845) 678-2276