Hello, I tried to use SmartList with Mhonarc, I've found an receipe and wrote the followong lines in the SmartList users .procmailrc file: :0: mmadmin.lock * ^TOmmadmin@brzrs2.bau.tu-dresden.de | /usr/local/bin/mhonarc -add -umask 022 \ -outdir /daten/ftp/www/support/mailarchive/mmadmin \ /home/slist/mmadmin/archive/latest slist is the smartlist user mmadmin is the mailinglist But there was no effect. Running the above Mhonarc ( /usr/local/... latest ) command in the shell works fine. Or should I better put these lines in one of the rc.local.sXX files. Or what is the right :0 line ? Thanks for any help. Carsten ================================================== == == Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Karkola == == TU Dresden - Fak.Bauingenieurwesen - FRZ == == Tel.: +49 351 463 3659 == Fax: +49 351 463 7766 == e-mail: carsten.karkola@mailbox.tu-dresden.de == ==================================================