At 11:43 PM -0400 8/21/00, guenther+smartlist@gac.edu is rumored to have typed:
As for it not being a development issue, if that's true why are you trying to pin it on me? I'm a developer, not an 'owner'. If you're going to wait for me to do something on this, you're going to be waiting a *long* time.
I'm not trying to "pin" anything on anyone. (*sigh*) Like it or not, you're the chief grand poo-bah (referencing Philip, since there seems to be some confusion when I . I know you want to stick your head into the sand on this, and abdicate, but you simply cannot. I know you are uncomfortable with all this, but it's YOUR decision to make; if you don't mind the lists running on mailman, that's just peachie. If you do, and want someone else to operate the lists using SmartList, just say the word. You _are_ the "owner" of the software package, maintainer of the code, and the closest thing we have to a "daddy" here. I am NOT saying you need to do all the work (indeed, you _shouldn't_ be doing all the work); I _am_ saying that you need to make all of the DECISIONS. So far, both Werner and I have offered our servers to run the mailing lists, and I'm sure there are other people here who would be honored to perform this small service as well. But we are NOT the keepers of the flame, you are.
Putting those two statements together leads to the question: why haven't you grabbed the lists?
Because I don't "grab" anything. I have offered to maintain the mailing lists on my server using SmartList; I also mentioned that others have, as well, and perhaps those others are more qualified. Let me make my position perfectly clear - I will gladly donate time and server space for the lists, but they ARE NOT CURRENTLY MINE TO OPERATE, so I won't be "grabbing" them from anyone...I don't do palace coups. This isn't a question of "annointing," either, it's a matter of the head honcho of the software deciding whether the lists should stay where they are or move, and if moved, to where. Charlie (who's rather horrified at the small number of subscribers to the lists)