At 10:38 PM -0400 8/19/02, Susan Bott is rumored to have typed:
I'm trying to create a private list, so have developed an accept list which is an exact duplicate of the dist list.
I'd be interested in knowing what steps you took to make this happen...considering that this is the _default_ of SmartList. (Indeed, accept and dist are hard-linked, so both files point to the same hard drive sectors.) My guess is that by hand-editing the files you managed to create at least some of the problems to which you refer.
However, some messages not being received by everyone on the dist list.
Check your sendmail logs to see if you are delivering to their systems; hotmail/msn users, for example, generally lose a good bit of email routinely. That is, narrow the problem down to see if you are delivering, or not. If you are, it isn't your problem. If you _aren't,_ we need to start looking for another explainiation (and the first place I'd look is in the dist file for a stray control character).
And it appear some users on the accept list are unable to reply or post.
Again, this may have something to do with your, "develop[ing] an accept list which is an exact duplicate of the dist list." I have the feeling this would be less of a problem has you left these files in their default configuration. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it.)
And, to make matters worse, some of my users are receiving spam.
There's little you can do to keep your users from receiving spam; if you do solve their spam problem, please tell me how so I may solve mine as well. (I think what I'm trying to delicately ask is, what the heck does their getting spam have to do with your mailing list?)
Can anyone help with thise problems?
Not really, since to be honest you aren't telling us much. Saying, "they aren't getting the mail," or, "they are getting spam," doesn't exactly narrow the problem(s) down terribly far. Charlie