Hi All! I have followed the steps described in the FAQ about the size limiting of the list and about sending auto notification for the sender. In the FAQ the place of this rule is said to be rc.local.00. The list archive contains the same. I assume it should be rc.local.r00, because if set in rc.local.s00 nothing happens. My problem with this is the following: If I send a mail bigger than the maximum size, then the owner-listaddr gets a message about the size not the sender. I've set the reply_to="Reply-To: owner-$listaddr" in rc.custom to avoid auto replays. In the tmp.from file I can see a foo@bar line after processing. It seems to me that the mail gets processed, the reply_to address is set, and the size check follows only then. The original sender gets no error messages . I might be wrong about this, but there are no other lines in config files or "binaries" which uses owner-listaddr. Any ideas how should I solve this problem? Thanks for your help: Odri Kornel -- Odri Kornél (Netstudio Hungary Kft.-- http://www.netstudio.hu ) Key fingerprint: 8B80 FEFA 3817 2432 A862 3620 C15F AA96 F681 97B2 mailto:korci@netstudio.hu