At 12:48 AM -0500 11/18/00, lang is rumored to have typed:
I think you have to comment out or munge some lines in rc.init and fix .procmailrc so the emails are piped to flist. But bounce handling isn't handled as well, according to some comments in the software.
I never found that to be the case. Even under the virtual domain on a shared machine (I used a .forward to send all mail to procmail, and used TO for the lists which had the added benefit of _not_ allowing Bccs to hit the list without my manual piping), SmartList handled bounces quite well. I rarely had to get involved, and then only with brain-damaged mailers sending non-standard bounce messages (CompuServe's bounces were the goofiest ones). So long as your provider is allowing you to run files as your user ID, it seems to work really well. (FYI, I didn't change any lines in rc.init, but did add some things to rc.custom on a list-by-list basis.) Charlie