At 8:26 PM -0500 12/5/01, Irwin Lazar is rumored to have typed:
I know this isn't really a smartlist question, but is anyone else impacted by them?
Nope, although I _do_ have a SpamCop account. Here's the deal; the subscribers should either 1) not subscribe through their SpamCop address and use their "real" address (or a throwaway if they're that paranoid), or 2) whitelist the mailing list address/domain themselves. What you're seeing are subscribers who don't "get" mailing lists. IMHO, it isn't your job as "list mom" to authenticate the list, it's the subscriber's job. If they subscribe without whitelisting the list, you probably don't want them on your list anyway (since they're guaranteed to make a bunch of other mistakes as well). Don't sweat it - I'd bet'cha that it won't impact your list enough to be a problem. Charlie