At 7:44 AM -0400 8/21/00, era eriksson is rumored to have typed:
As far as I can tell, Philip is not interested in e.g. maintaining procmail.org and if we don't attempt to coordinate things, nobody will develop the site or maintain any mailing lists at all.
Then Philip decides who _will_ maintain procmail.org, and said person does it. Gees, this seems so _simple_ to me...am I the only one who doesn't see this whole thing as a major problem? Philip _is_ the maintainer of the software, and as such is in the position that Stephen was in many years ago. If he wants to do something crazy like run the mailing lists with Mreply, he's welcomed to do so since he's de facto the boss. These two software packages don't need committees, they need for us to accept the reality of the situation (Philip's in charge and should do pretty much whatever he wants) and move on. Any time Philip doesn't want to maintain the software, he's welcomed to find someone else to do so, and then _that_ person will make the decisions. (*sigh*) I just don't understand where the problem is, here.
I don't know about you, but I cannot presently afford to waste any time.
Me, neither, but I hate to see time wasted at all. Which is why the idea of spending months screwing around not getting anything done, simply making plans to make plans to make plans, is so abhorant to me. Committees do have their place, particularly in business where people spend most of their time trying to avoid responsibility for a decision. This stuff is _simple,_ and making it difficult will only waste the time you cannot afford to waste in the first place. This is why I refuse to work any longer for larger companies - I'm getting too old to waste my life in staff meetings watching people intentionally get nothing done to justify their existance. You want an adjenda? Tell Stephen to abandon in name the software he abandoned in reality years ago. Gee, that was easy.
Reply-To directed back to procmail-dev. Let's not distribute this discussion over several mailing lists, please.
I agree with Werner; first off, this is NOT a development issue, it's one dealing with the mailing lists. And as Werner mentioned, this _did_ start on the SmartList list, which is where it should stay. There's no reason to limit this discussion to only those on the development list, and I for one have no intention of doing so. (I believe it was _you_ who decided to copy it to procmail and dev in the first place.) Charlie (who believes in making decisions, accepting responsibility for them, and moving on - which may be why he isn't popular, but _does_ get things done) P.S. It's apparent to me that Philip has "decided by not deciding" to leave the mailing lists where they are under the software they are runing under, so we're all pretty much wasting time talking about this, anyway. Me