Peter Hartzler wrote:
FAQ Entry:
"8.3: How can I add "[listname]" to all of the mailing list messages for easy filtering?"
Let me know if this doesn't cut it. The recipes cited first check for the pattern before inserting the tag...
I'd actually been meaning to write in about this... No, unfortuately these recipes won't take care of what David's having problems with. I've been using Leigh Wolenczak's recipe myself for the last few years and had constant problems with multiple re:s and listnames appearing in the subject. This recipe adds the listname if the original subject does not begin with the "[listname]" or "Re:". That's it. It doesn't take care of multiple listnames or Re:s in the subject. (Just one example of problems this caused for me: people removing the Re: at the beginning of the line, but not the listname, causing the recipe to add a new "Re: [listame]" in front of the [listname] that was already there. That's just one of many possible subject lines that aren't cleaned up by this recipe.) I've not used Tim Pierce's recipe, but it doesn't look like it would solve the repeat problem, either. (And I'm told by another SmartList user that it doesn't.) Last month, after a bout of "Re: [listname] [listname] Re: [listname]"s on one of my lists, I asked my serveradmin to help me fix the multiple problem. He wrote me a new recipe that cleans up extra listnames and Re:s in the subject. It's fabulous and works very well. We did extensive testing with as many complicated subject lines as we could think of and it cleaned the repeat crap right up. Anyway, I had intended to post this new recipe here and send it to Peter for inclusion in the FAQ, but I need to hang on to it for a bit -- the recipe currently contains some notes and questions intended for me during testing, and my serveradmin doesn't want it passed around until it's neatened up. I'll try to do that shortly. Violet xoxox