At 10:50 AM -0500 1/7/02, Matthew Poe isrumored to have typed:
The only thing that makes sense to me is that the files are hard linked someplace, and I think I could persuade the techs at nomonthlyfees to fix the problem if I could pinpoint it more exactly. Of course, I could be wrong.
Er...I forgot the subscribe.txt file was hard-linked, but creating a test list did indeed create a hard link to .etc/subscribe.txt (anyone know why this particular file is linked instead of copied?). You need to tell the...support...persons at your provider to use ../.bin/delink on the subscribe.txt files in every list directory. Or...you could always cheat and use FTP commands to delete the subscribe.txt file in the list directory, and then transfer a new one in - this is likely to be more expedient, particularly considering your providers couldn't figure this out on their own. Of course, I don't know if you'll need to do future editing on your local machine, since I neither use nor like web-based text editors.
I upload these files to the directories of their respective lists.
Delete the subscribe.txt file first, which should break the link. (Shows you how much I know about FTP...I assumed that uploading a file would delete the original link and create a new one instead of overwriting the same link. Guess I really _need_ a shell to get any work done.) Charlie