On or about Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 09:17:49AM -0700, Rob Flickenger typed:
I'm certainly willing to bear with SmartList's 'homely' appearance. It's extensible, stable, and very fast... And eventually, when the community finds the time to put a pretty face on it, it will truly kick ass, and we'll all be ahead of the learning curve... =)
OK. What does a web interface for smartlist need? Considering the "list administration" side first: The most basic version would simply send appropriately-formatted X-Command: mail to the list-server. That's fairly trivial to get right. But I'm considering the possibilities inherent in a slightly larger CGI, which might be run suid to the list user, which could maniupulate the list data files directly - to check authentication, add/remove users, and so on. As for the user side, how would you prevent malicious foreign unsubscriptions without a password? The existing "confirm" patch from aks would be helpful, here. Do we want a mhonarc-like archiving system, given that mhonarc is pretty easy to integrate with smartlist already? Roger -- Roger Burton West -/- roger@firedrake.org http://firedrake.org/roger/