29 Mar
29 Mar
11:05 p.m.
In article <E16pP5r-0003lT-00@coffee.dyndns.org>, Wade Richards <wrichard@direct.ca> writes:
I'm just trying out smartlist, and I've hit what appears to be a roadblock. Perhaps I didn't RTFM enough times. :-)
I don't want all the members on the list to know the e-mail addresses of everyone else on the list. However, when I send a test message to the list, each list member gets a message with the entire list's e-mail addresses in the "Resent-to" header.
That's almost certainly a sendmail configuration issue, though I can't remember which switch controls it, and don't seem to have my bat book handy. Check the FAQs at sendmail.org, or ask comp.mail.sendmail for more information.