Recently added addresses are the ones missing, and they are scattered throughout the file.
Um, that cannot be, unless you are manually sorting the file. "Recently added addresses" are added to the bottom of the dist file (which is linked to the accept file - and since you're using a web-based interface, I'm pretty sure you don't wuite understand what I just said).
I understand. I manually add the new names to the accept file in alphabetical order, after it was originally sorted in another program (yes, windows-based) a while back.
The host provides a web-based file editing front-end, which has worked fine so far. Yes, I'm using Windoze to access the site and the web-edit interface loads in a windoze browser.
Since we cannot deal with that (we've never seen it), you should probably take your questins to your web host provider. Alternatively, use telnet and a unix editor. Understand, these annoying "control panels" get in the road, and make it impossible for us to help you.
I understand where you are coming from on this. All this "control panel" does, AFAIK, is permit one to edit the file. It worked fine for editing other files. I have no issue with editing the accept file through telnet, if that will make it work better.
Your web host probably wants you to come here, to shift their support costs onto the volunteers here, but SmartList doesn't _come_ with a "control panel," and so we simply cannot help you with it. (Understand, this is NOTHING against you...but your ISP is giving you applications we do not have nor need, and so THEY must answer your questions about it, not us. They are telling you to come to us to answer questions on SmartList, but only AFTER they have mucked with it beyond all recognition, and tried to hide the complexities of it and U*ix from you with their silly web-based panel. Not really fair to us, eh?)
No, they didn't send me here. I've gotten good answers here before, so I thought I'd come back to the experts. :-)
The first line of the file is the digest list address.
The line about the "Only Addresses.." is not there. This is a newsletter list, so I don't know if that has any impact on this. Should I add it?
(*sigh*) It MUST be there. You shouldn't need to "add" it, since SmartList should have placed it there (although again, with this silly web-based garbage they have foisted upon you, it's hard to tell _what_ it might or might not have done). I don't know why you would think that it wouldn't have, "any impact on this," but it does.
I've added it back in. It is entirely likely that I accidentally eliminated it when pasting in the sorted list. Excuse me while I fall on my sword. :-)
This line should not be removed - ever. (Indeed, if you have a digest version subscribed to your list, you should have it _above_ that line.) Many SmartList routines DEPEND on the existance of that line. If the line doesn't exist, some routines will fail badly. If you _have_ removed it, replace it immediately.
(I know what the FAQ says, but I've consistantly seen problems when that line is missing.)
That, and the fact that address lines which did not get used had a blank space after the address, might explain what went wrong. I'll run another test, having added the line back in and adding a blank space after each address.