At 3:00 PM -0400 10/24/00, Franz Maruna is rumored to have typed:
Recently set up a thriving list with SmartList and the crew is very eager for the list name to be appended to the beginning of every subject for sorting reasons..
1) See the FAQ - complete instructions are there. 2) This is _completely_ unnecessary and a titanic waste of time, energy, and bandwidth, since any email client worth its salt can easily sort on the X-Mailing-List: header field, or a bunch of other unique fields in any specific mailing list. Munging the subject is just plain silly - tell your "thriving" subscribers to RTFM of their email client software to learn how to use the filters they already have available, and then explain that you will not be changing what other people write unnecessarily and thereby make your mailing list look like an amateur-operated Topica or eGroups list. Charlie (who considers this one of his major pet peeves)