Charlie Summers pondered parenthetically, | (I love questions like, "If I do <this>, what will happen?" I want to | shout, "TRY IT, FOR PETE'S SAKE!") Charlie, I disagree there. Look at this way of stating what you say you want to shout: "What will happen if you do that is that you'll learn what happens when you do it." I feel the question is valid: the person asking is con- cerned that just going ahead and doing doing it might cause some damage and doesn't want to barge forth without checking first. You don't try to iden- tify an unknown substance by tasting it, nor by feeding it to your family. Charlie posed in passing, | (Where does it say we _need_ to have every clueless newbie on our lists? Do | we want quality discussions, or just raw numbers of subscribers? Just a | philosophical question which requires no answer, since each of us will have | a personal take on the situation.) Oh, I feel it deserves an answer. There are listowners interested in quality, and those interested in quantity. The latter are composed principally of those who sell or swap ads and those whose egos are invested in the size of the membership rolls and the number of posts. Both care only about having big numbers to brag about. Mention things like signal-to-noise ratios or bandwidth use to them, and they won't understand the concepts. The former, on the other hand, will trash posts that carry 5Kb of HTML just to MIME-wrap "me too" with a .signature because the sender thinks stationery or color changes are pretty. They'll ask members not to requote entire di- gest issues to respond to a single sentence from a single component post.