At 11:25 AM -0400 5/14/02, Charlie Summers is rumored to have typed:
containing GETENV("HTTP_HOST") - do that, and you're done.
(*sigh*) Of course, I meant GETENV("REMOTE_HOST") - musta been bad coffee this morning, since HTTP_HOST will only give you the hostname of the form, not the remote user, and you probably already know that. And in thinking about it more clearly after making a fresh pot, you should probably also add GETENV("REMOTE_ADDR") since some won't reverse-resolve and PHP gets funky about returning an empty string on some setups if it doesn't reverse-resolve. But my general comments that there's no reason to remove the form copy remains...I use an old perl script (laziness, actually, but it still works, so what the heck) that adds the REMOTE_ADDR environ variable, and no one has complained thus far. (Like it or not, no one even bothers to read the darned thing anyway.) Charlie