"Richard G. Ball" <Richard_Ball@merck.com> wrote:
While my first message on this issue waits for approval from the mailing list admin (don't know why) I send a second solution for the bug with addresses like foo@is.not.so.com or alex@wait.change.ti. Such addresses cannot be subscribed because the following line in rc.request matches if the subject line contains "subscribe alex@wait.change.ti".
Perhaps your first message explained the problem more fully but from what I can gather you want to accept subject lines like "subscribe <some address>" rather than ignoring them. Correct?
Yes. Some (but not all) will be ignored, falsely assuming they are not administrative messages (e. g. foo@change.com or foo@not.so.com).
You could simply pre-process these messages to remove any email address since it isn't being used anyway.
Why isn't it used anymore? It has been always very useful to (un)subscribe from an address which isn't the address from where you are sending the request. I didn't saw any notice that this feature has been removed and I don't know why it should be necessary to remove it. Can you shed some light on this? I think it's much easier to make the small modification in rc.request making the useful feature work flawlessly than to add extra recipe(s). Anyway, if it will not be fixed in the official SmartList distribution I will fix it in the rc.request for the confirm addon because confirm depends on the "subscribe some address" feature. Werner