(*sigh*) Much as I prefer explaining the problem, just do this (as whatever user owns your mailing lists):
$ cd /path/to/smartlist/list-d $ ln ../list-l/accept accept2
...and then try it. (Obviously, you _should_ have a set of testing lists to work with, so you can straighten this stuff out without affecting your production lists, but my bet is that you don't.)
Thanks Charlie! I was up late last night going through the issue. I was even corresponding with my hosting service (who apparently supports it). The issues seemed to be resolved by placing the list-request@domain address in the accept file for the digest. The hosting service was aware of this 'fix' and stated that this did not deliver consistent results. I'm wondering how the next digest will behave as the -request address is in the dist list for the digest. I would imagine that it just get sent back to the maintainer address as a rejection. We'll see.