At 3:56 PM -0400 7/31/02, Daniel Staal is rumored to have typed:
It almost worked perfectly: it uses the address posted in the form, but the form puts a '=' in front of the address.
Program it not to do that.
Can anyone point me to a good way to strip that out? (Sorry, don't know shell code yet.)
Honestly, I wouldn't bother stripping it out; I'd remove the body completely from what the form mails. The From: header field seems fine (although it's possible that that's an artifact of the way you're doing things), so drop the email address in the body. (I'd also fix the Subject: header field and make other changes, but they aren't SmartList-related, and are a function of whatever you're using to program the CGI.) Remember that SmartList doesn't _need_ a body; it'll cheerfully use the From: header field for the subscribing address. (Naturally, you ARE using one of the confirm routines, right?)
p.s. Here's a copy of what gets sent to Smartlist, in case you need it:
Are you sure? Why in the world would your web-based form be adding an X-Mailer: Mozilla/4.0 header field? (Are you using a Frontier script to generate AppleEvents to Communicator? If so, there are MUCH easier ways...even 5.x has the NetEvents applet.) Basically, I'm telling you your CGI is wrong, and needs to be reworked. The problem isn't SmartList, and shouldn't be FIXED by SmartList, it should be fixed at the CGI. Charlie