At 8:57 PM -0400 7/28/00, Mike McNicholas is rumored to have typed:
if these 'clueless' are pestering you, why do you spend so much time responding to them.
(*sigh*) You are right in your insinuation, at least in the case of this particular response. But hey, it's Friday night, my daughter's in bed, and Invisible Man/Farscape doesn't start for a little while yet, so I have some time.
at least I was trying to offer a suggestion.
No, you were promoting another piece of software. Which you are welcomed to do, of course, but if you do it on a support list for SmartList, plan on getting called on it. I wouldn't be so crass as to subscribe to the qmail list and complain about it (say, being a bandwidth hog) when I'm not using it; that's just a matter of being polite. Please tell the ezmlm folks about how lousy SmartList is, not us, since we disagree.
and If you find it so easy to develop with smartlist, why don't you offer source code rather than flames.
I do; for those who request help (and who have shown the least little bit of initiative), I help as much as I can. Since you only ever bothered to ask one question that I can find to the mailing list (on 11 July, 03:11:51 +0200, subjected "newbie -> no From: headers," archive/latest/7621 not that that will help anyone anymore, and note I didn't go back through my archives prior to January, 2000), and that question was not particularly interesting to me (since you seemed to be going about "hiding" things, making some simple things unnecessarily complex, while requesting help on what seemed to me to be an unrelated problem), I freely admit I never answered it. Here's a surprise...I don't answer every posting on the list, and don't claim to do so. From the tone you're using, I'm guessing you received little or no useful help on that one question. However, there are quite a number of people on this list who _have_ received answers (or pointed questions to gently lead them in the right direction) from me, generally privately if the questions didn't seem to me to be of general interest (or were the same-old-same-old). Ask around, and you'll find I spend a good piece of time helping people who are willling to invest the time; or don't ask around, doesn't much matter to me. However, since _you_ have admitted you don't understand procmail/SmartList, and found it so painfully difficult to use that you migrated to something else, what exactly do _you_ have to add to the discussion on the SmartList support list? Will you be able to help _anyone_ here with _any_ question? Might I politely suggest that since you use and seem to be completely happy with ezmlm that you contribute to _that_ software's support list, and unsubscribe from this one? Charlie (who hasn't "flamed" _anyone_ on this list; trust me, if you think I did, you are way too new to the Net to know what a "flame" really is.)