At 4:52 AM -0400 8/13/02, Tapani Tarvainen is rumored to have typed:
Looks like nobody else has to deal with not-too-computer-savvy moderators... anyway, here's what I came up for pine:
Of course we do; however, if they aren't computer-saavy, they likely aren't using pine, or mutt, or elm, or anything else on *nix. They are probably using Outlook Express on Windows, and we have worked around the fact that they CANNOT add arbitrary header fields in various ways; some use the "standard" of applying them to the body, others by more complex password schemes. This is _not_ to discourage you, only to explain why most of us aren't responding. (If someone is using *nix on their desk machine, they can still use the kludges we've applied for the OE croud, and so don't need to know how to apply custom header fields anyway.) Charlie