6 Aug
6 Aug
5:22 a.m.
I am setting up Smartlist on a new RedHat GNU/Linux 2.6.18 machine with Sendmail. The configurations are like: 1. /etc/aliases: newlist: "|flist newlist" newlist-request: "|flist newlist-request" 2. /etc/smrsh/flist -> /usr/local/slist/.bin/flist 3. /var/mail/.etc -> /usr/local/slist/.etc When tested mail to "newlist", it's not sent to the list but appended to /var/spool/mail/mail (nothing written to /usr/local/slist/newlist/log , nor any mail deposited to /usr/local/slist/newlist/archive/latest/) The /var/log/maillog says mail accepted for delivery, then next line it says "timeout waiting for input from local during Draining Input" Any suggestion what could be the problem and where should I check further? Thanks, Zhiliang