15 Mar
15 Mar
10 a.m.
A 17:56 14/03/02 +0000, Susan Bott a écrit :
I'm having difficulty getting the [listname] added to the subject line of my messages. Can anyone tell me if there is somthing wrong with this rc.local.s10 page?
SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` # extract the subject :0fw * ! ^Subject:.*\[listname\] * ! ^Subject:.Re: * | formmail -I "Subject: [WSTC-Board] $SUBJ"
I suggest you (no multiple Re, no multiple [listname] ) SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject: | sed "s/\[$subject_flag\]//g"| sed "s/R[Ee]: *\(R[Ee]: *\)*/Re: /"` # extract the subject :0fw * ! ^Subject:[ ]*\[$subject_flag\] | formail -I "Subject: [$subject_flag] $SUBJ"