Quoting Charlie Summers <charlie@lofcom.com>:
(with searchable (web) archive ....)
(*sigh*) Who needs a searchable Web archive, when there's a searchable archive server? It's a _mailing list,_ for goodness' sake.
The search ability of SL isn't in any way user friendly. Only command line freaks likes such a thing. I value an easily searchable mailing list because it frequently prevents to subscribe to a list for one question which has been answered several times.
I don't like such a "list dictatorship"!
By definition, the list maintainer _is_ a dictator; his list, his rules,
That's true, but in case of the SL list there wasn't any maintainer. Maybe formal but not in practice. I am a list member since many years and I never saw a single message from a list admin. I never saw any admin reply to the numerous complains about spam messages. Someone even deleted the whole list archive (probably cause there was a disk space shortage) without notifying anybody. Therefore it's justified to say that this list is owned by the members and the members have to be asked before such decisions which happened now. Werner