At 3:34 PM -0500 12/9/01, Andrew Watson is rumored to have typed:
Do these instructions assume I have root access to the server?
Can smartlist be used with root access?
Yes. I _think_ you mean to ask, "Can SmartList be used withOUT root access?" And the answer to that question, too, is yes. You just need to do things a little differently. Assuming you have a virtual domain with wildcard delivery (that is, any address @yourdomain.tld delivers to your mailbox), and you have a .forward file that drops _all_ of your mail into procmail, and your provider isn't using a restricted shell for mail (which will cause you problems trying to invoke flist from procmail), you can place in your .procmailrc file something like: :0 * ^TOmailinglist1@yourdomain.tld |/path/to/.bin/flist mailinglist1 :0 * ^TOmailinglist1-request@yourdomain.tld ! `/path/to/.bin/flist mailinglist1-request` Note the two different ways; I'm pretty sure the pipe is more efficient, but I'll let those who clock such things speak to that, since they will both function. You can repeat this ad nausium for as many mailing lists as you handle, just remember you need two pipes, one for the list address and one for the -request address. Charlie (who does something similar on his lists, and he _does_ root his box, because it gives greater control over what mail gets piped into flist than the alias method, which dumps everything with an envelope address to flist)