I looked at this in the FAQ but cannot seem to get it to work: ------------- Send an auto-reply back when someone posts Placing this in rc.local.s20 and uncommenting the appropriate line in the rc.custom file will provide this functionality. ** I did this ** # recipe to send an autoreply REPLY_TEXT=/path/to/autoreply.txt REPLY_SUBJECT="Message Recieved" ** I changed this to read: REPLY_TEXT=autoreply.txt REPLY_SUBJECT="Message Recieved" *** :0 whc | formail -rtzc -xTo: >tmp.from :0 ch :autoreply.lock | (formail -rtzc -I "Subject: $REPLY_SUBJECT" \ -A"Precedence: junk" ; cat $REPLY_TEXT) | \ $SENDMAIL -t `cat tmp.from` I made no other changes, but nothing happens. I created the rc.local.s20 and the autoreply.txt files and uncommented the rc.custom files. Any suggestions? Thanks Joe