At 12:18 PM -0400 8/29/00, Rick May is rumored to have typed:
I provided all the information in an earlier message. I dont know what else I can provide. Im hoping someone had a similiar problem and can point me in the right direction.
No, sir, you did NOT provide all the provided darned little info, which is forcing us to guess that yours is one of the routine newbie mistakes. When I suggest you are using a DAEMON address, you _say,_ "No, that doesnt fit me at all," but don't bother to mention exactly what address you _ARE_ using (there are a bunch of addresses that will get caught in the FROM_DAEMON macro). You told us what the X-Diagnostic: header said, but did _not_ give us any additional information. You didn't tell us what address you _are_ using, nor did you exerpt the log, nor did you even bother to copy the message you received with the X-Diagnostic: header, which might have allowed us to figure out what you're doing wrong. (And I'm betting you ARE doing something wrong.) You are asking us to help you while not telling us everything we need to know. Did you set VERBOSE and check the log? Did you check the log at all? Do you even know you HAVE a log?
As far as my provider, I also previously stated that they provide no tech support for smartlist. Changing providers at this time is not an option.
That's fine...but you are going to have to do _some_ of this yourself before coming to the list for help; that's all Werner was telling you. We are not to replace the paid support staff - we all have jobs, businesses, and lives of our own, and so need you to do at least _some_ of the trouble-shooting yourself.
I did try with a colon after the X-command. Unfortunately I forgot to put that in my email to this mailing list.
How were we to know that? (And why do I have the feeling you're not adding a new X-Command: header field, but just dropping it in the body of an email message without applying the .examples/rc.local.r00 recipe...better question - do you even understand what an X-Command header field is?)
As far as the manual, all links to it from various FAQs dont seem to work.
(*sigh*) There is a file in the .etc directory of the standard distribution named don't need "links...from various FAQs," it's part of the distribution. (But since you didn't tell us what your provider installed for you, or even whether your provider supplies you a list under their install or provides you one of your own, we can't be a lot of help here, either. Honest, we can't read minds, nor divine the structure of your install.) Please read the Manual file first, and if this doesn't help feel free to ask specific questions giving us the information we need to avoid playing 20-questions and guessing at each step of the way. Charlie