I am trying to set up a list that has the following properties: 1. Persons listed in the dist file (which is linked to the accept file) will get all postings to the list. 2. Those listed in the accept2 file can post to the list but will nor receive email from the list. 3. All others (those not in accept/dist or accept2) are not allowed to post to the list and if they do then the maintainer will get the message and the person who sent the message will receive the contents of accept.txt I "THINK" I have exactly followed the instructions in section 3c of the smartlist manual but it is not working. If anyone not listed in accept/dist posts a message to the list, the message goes to the maintainer and no one else. The sender does not get an email with the contents of accept.txt. The same results occur for senders listed in accpt2 and those not listed in accept2. In case it is helpful, I attached a text file with the contents of the following files: accept, accept2, accept.txt. rc.custom, rc.submit I will be happy to answer any other questions. Many thanks.