On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, David R. Linn wrote:
I see this as a sign of the times.
Yes, but be wary, though. I've gone to SmartList from Mailman because it has something Mailman still hasn't figured out yet: stability under heavy load. Run the current version of Mailman on a list of more than about 20k subscribers, and don't be surprised if you see multiple copies of your messages go out (at least, that's been my experience...) Something to do with file locking issues and a moderately loaded server. I liked Mailman otherwise, and wish them well, but I needed something that I can rely on, so here I am. It is a shame, but now that tech decisions are being made more by technical managers and less by the actual techs, the 'sexy' software package frequently wins out, regardless of how long its been around, its reputation, or even its performance. I'm certainly willing to bear with SmartList's 'homely' appearance. It's extensible, stable, and very fast... And eventually, when the community finds the time to put a pretty face on it, it will truly kick ass, and we'll all be ahead of the learning curve... =) --Rob