Hello all, I tried to install Smartlist 3.15 on my Linux box but I cannot get it worked properly. Maintainer address: eye-admin@strace.net Domain name: sphinx.strace.net mailing list: t@sphinx.strace.net When I subscribe e-mails everything works fine. One letter comes to subscriber and one multigram letter arrives to mailbox of maintainer. Showdist command shows correct values too. When I send message to t@sphinx.strace.net, nobody gets messages except maintainer. I tried to use listname-dist alias in sendmail aliases.db but it doesn't work too. To make clean output I made new "t" mailing list and subscribe two new addresses. Than I sent test message to t@sphinx.strace.net. Message was received by maintainer only (eye-admin@stace.net). Here is the dist file, aliases and logfile. DIST FILE: (Only addresses below this line can be automatically removed) ygs@strace.net sales@strace.net ALIASES: t: "|exec /home/slist/.bin/flist t" t-request: "|exec /home/slist/.bin/flist t-request" I put LOG FILE to my http-server: http://sphinx.strace.net/SMARTLIST/log I'm very new to Smartlist and I cannot get right answer... Thanks, Yuri P.S. I tried to install procmail 3.15 and 3.22 without success.