Hi, new user here...and I just want to know if someone can tell me what "uncomment means. I'm reading this:
<<In your rc.custom file, uncomment the line that reads "RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10 =
rc.local.s10", and make a file called "rc.local.s10" in your list directory, in that file put

---- Cut Here ----
SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:`   # extract the subject
* ! ^Subject:.*\[listname\]
* ! ^Subject:.Re: *
| formmail -I "Subject: [listname] $SUBJ"
---- End Here ----

Be sure to replace "[listname]" with what you would like to be at the beginning of the
subject line.>>

And I am just not totally sure what the word "uncomment" means in this situation.Do I remove the lower case text   rc.local.s10 from the custom file or what? I'm just so confused. HELP PLEASE!