Quoting era eriksson <era@iki.fi>:
Two steps back. Historical overview: Stephen is the original author. Philip took over a year ago after an IRC chat with Stephen. There were some fruitful discussions by people who were interested to contribute what they could. As far as I can tell, Philip is not interested in e.g. maintaining procmail.org and if we don't attempt to coordinate things, nobody will develop the site or maintain any mailing lists at all.
OK, let's coordinate :) The difficulties I see with procmail/SL is the lack of communication with the responsible persons. I see several possibilities: a) Nothing changes b) Transfer to a host like sourceforge.net c) distributed hosting, e.g. packages at procmail.org, mailing lists at host abc, CVS at xyz Except (a) the easiest solution would be the hosting at something like sourceforge.net. They have a good connectivity and offering facilities like ssh, cvs and ftp. We would need someone who will hosting and maintaining procmail.org to point to this site. Since sourceforge is running mailman it would be also nice to to run the lists somewhere else with SmartList. (c) is probably most difficult to realize because it needs much more communication and coordination than (b) but if there are the right people ...
Reply-To directed back to procmail-dev. Let's not distribute this discussion over several mailing lists, please.
As I remember the thread started in the smartlist list. I am not a member of procmail-dev and would appreciate a CC to smartlist. Werner