:0 fhw * ^content-type:(.*\<)?multipart.*\<(boundary=\/[^"; ]+|boundary="\/[^"; ]+)
I don't believe there's any guarantee that using \/ twice in the same RE will do the right thing. If it seems to be working, though ...
It seemed to, but I'm not sure my brain is up to trying to test that hypothesis against my newfound understanding of extraction! Maybe tomorrow... <shudder>
You might find to be useful.
Oh, boy... I have to look at it some more, but it looks like you've just *handed* me between 95-100% of what I'm trying to do! THANK YOU!
Because procmail's regex code is roughly 25 years old and complex character class shortcuts didn't exist when it was written.
Fair enough. I'm left with my question to Jim, however, of how you manage to represent control characters inside the brackets of a character class expression? Or is that something you always have to work-around to avoid? Thank you very much, sir. Mike D.