25 Feb
25 Feb
11:53 a.m.
I'm trying out to figure what is the syntax for unsubscription. I looks if I use the code from http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html#Section_3.2 that users have to say:
Subject: X-Command: unsubscribe , right?
It also applies to the message body, right?
Perhaps you are a little bit confused, X-Command: is for the list admins. Users would subscribe or unsubscribe the usual way. BTW, if you use rc.local.r00 to use X-Command in the body, it just mean you can write: Subject: whatever From: whatever <- blank line separating headers and body. X-Command: whatever <- first line of body. instead of Subject: whatever From: whatever X-Command: whatever <- still a header line.