Quoting "David R. Linn" <drl@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>:
Yes, paritcularly when all that was needed was a trivial change to the list config.
Since YEARS list members complained about this, sending emails to Stephen and the list without any reaction of a responsible person.
Unfortunately, SRB has been otherwise occupied for a while and a plan to turn the procmail and SmartList machines over to a team never got off the ground. (I was a member of that team) For that matter, neither did a plan to move the lists to procmail.org and smartlist.org.
Now suddenly someone made a decision without asking the list members.
This list owns the list members not someone at an university who wants to be a big list master!
My perception is that the change was a result of the sudden decommisioning of the machine on which the list was running. (I have faced such a need in the past; when a machine is compromised, it needs to be off the net **NOW**.) So, the choice is not so much between SmartList and Mailman as it is between Mailman and *nothingness*, i.e. the list would have been abruptly discontinued.
Such an behaviour is disappointing and doesn't encourage anybody continuing to support SmartList/Procmail.
Personally, I thanked the RWTH staff for making the extra effort to keep the list alive when they could have let it die silently.
If the SmartList-Package-Maintainer agree to point to another list server for SmartList we could simply set up one very quickly (with searchable (web) archive ....) running with SL.
I personally believe we need to revive the plan to move the lists to procmail.org and smartlist.org.
I don't like to remember a password to unsubscribe and I don't like such a "list dictatorship"!
At least we still have a list on which to discuss this.
David -- David R. Linn, SEDCON System Manager |INET: drl@vuse.vanderbilt.edu Vanderbilt University School of Engineering|Phone: [+1] 615-343-6164 Box 1826, Station B |Disclaimer: I have no authority Nashville, TN, USA 37235 |to speak for anyone but myself. The 2nd millenium and 20th century do not end before December 31, 2000. http://www.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/~drl