Recently set up a thriving list with SmartList and the crew is very eager for the list name to be appended to the beginning of every subject for sorting reasons.. I believe I've seen majorDomo do this.. Reasonably simple task, except to do it right I think you'd want to parse the subject to make sure it wasn't a reply with the list name string already in place...
I don't care why you would want this. I think it is good for you you try to figure it out instead of demanding something from the subscribers. Here's how: 1) In rc.custom, uncomment this line: RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_10 = rc.local.s10 2) Create a file called rc.local.s10, and put in it the following (I asume your list is called "JUSTHELPIFYOUCAN"): SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject:` :0fw * ! ^Subject: \[JUSTHELPIFYOUCAN\].* * ! ^Subject: Re: .* | formail -I "Subject: [JUSTHELPIFYOUCAN] $SUBJ" That's it. just play around. The 2 lines starting with an asterisk are expressions that match the current subject line: only if the subject does not match those two lines (allready starting with the listname or being a reply), the listname is added. I'm not entirely sure those expressions are correct. So if not: could someone else please react (no need to tell me I should not want to do this). Regards, Jelmer [BTW: My mails don't seem to go to the list anymore. Don't know why]