Dear Jim, You wrote:
What's wrong with matching "anything except double-quote, semi-colon, or whitespace" with [^";XXX] where "XXX" is your favorite set of space, tab, ^M, etc.?
I again want to ask how one goes about getting "your favorite set of space, tab, ^M, etc." into the bracket expression? Using nano on the host machine via a ssh session, I seem to be able to type in a tab character inside the [^"; <tab>] and at least it doesn't break anything badly enough to prevent the recipe from working. (I would have to create a test message where the string was delimited by a tab character to prove that it actually *works*!) But since escaped control characters (\t,\n, etc.) don't seem to be allowed inside the [...] of a character class in procmail, just what sort of syntax am I allowed to use? What would it look like? Would I have to use variables, perhaps? Thank you, Mike D.