hi. i've made the auto-reply a bit more robust and bloated :) place the following in rc.local.s20 and uncomment the corresponding line in your unlinked rc.custom. REPLY_TEMP is a text file that gets mailed back to the original sender. it will be sent as MAIL_FROM. if you want to put a user name in the header From: line, do so in HDR_FROM. The subject will be set to REPLY_SUBJECT. if you want to use the original subject in your reply, place `$SUBJECT' where you want it to appear in the REPLY_TEMP file and set MUNGE_BODY appropriately. feel free to mail me if you have questions about this. i'll do my best to answer them. -r #MUNGE_BODY=no REPLY_TEMP=/path/to/autoreply.txt MAIL_FROM="moo@cow.org" HDR_FROM="moo@cow.org (moo!)" REPLY_SUBJECT="Message Received" ORIG_SUB=`formail -zx Subject:` :0 whc | formail -rtzc -xTo: >tmp.from ; \ cp $REPLY_TEMP tmp.autoreply :0 whc * MUNGE_BODY ?? y | sed 's/\$SUBJECT/'"$ORIG_SUB"/g $REPLY_TEMP > tmp.autoreply :0 ch :autoreply.lock | (formail -rtzc -I "Subject: $REPLY_SUBJECT" -I "From: $HDR_FROM" \ -A"Precedence: junk" ; cat tmp.autoreply) | \ $SENDMAIL -t -f $MAIL_FROM `cat tmp.from` -- echo "send pgp key" | mail ravi@cow.org ; lynx http://cow.org ; echo "!gc" "It's like everybody's trying to find a reason for the shootings. Whatever happened to 'crazy?'" -- Chris Rock's explanation for the Littelton, CO., school shootings, quoted in The Dallas Morning News.