Hi. I want to setup a mailing list that will be administered by one of my clients but i want him to be able to add users just up to a certain predefined number of mailing list users. For instance, i want to allow him to add users to a certain mailing list up to a maximum of 20 users. Of course, i don't want to have to check everyday if he's over the limit. Does Smartlist provide a way to do this ? Thank you, Carlos. ---------------------------------------------------- CARLOS SANTOS (Cell/Mobile: +351 966456574, ICQ: 21537583) ---------------------------------------------------- NETOSFERA, INTERNET & MULTIMEDIA, LDA. http://www.netosfera.pt / geral@netosfera.pt Tel(Phone): (+351 253276998) / Fax: (+351 253274255) Lrg. Sr. Aflitos, n8, 1And., Escr4 4710-261 Braga - Portugal ----------------------------------------------------