From: Charlie Summers [mailto:charlie@lofcom.com] Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 6:43 PM
At 4:39 PM -0400 7/28/00, Munday, Merrick is rumored to have typed:
Actually no. Depending on the configuration, MS Outlook will wrap longer X-Command lines, whereupon Smartlist will not process them properly.
(*sigh*) Well, gee, if you tell your email client to wrap lines, and it does, why sound surprised. Simply change the settings to keep OE from wrapping. (I assume that's possible; although I don't use OE myself, certainly every other mail client I've ever used on unix, Win, or Mac allows to switch wrap on and off.)
I assume that by OE you mean Outlook Express. I was precise in my statement -- I meant Outlook, not Outlook Express. Both Outlook Express and Outlook (when installed in the Internet Mail Only configuration) do provide a rudimentary option to control line wrapping. One can set a "wrap lines at X" parameter -- but X must be specified as 132 or less, so even in these configurations one cannot turn wrapping "off". However, when using Outlook through an Exchange Server (the so-called Corporate/Workgroup installation), there is _no_ option to control line wrapping.
Now you may feel that using broken MS mail clients is foolish, but ...
But that's _not_ "broken" behavior; if you set a client to wrap, and it does, that sounds like correct behavior.
As I mentioned above, there is no wrap setting. To me, that's broken.
(Note the pattern here...I actually expect people to _think,_ where everyone else seems to accept user error [or user stupidity] as an excuse to write complex work-arounds.)
Charlie, you are obviously on the Guru level with SmartList and Procmail, and I respect your expertise in these areas. I am not a SmartList/Procmail guru, and that's why my participation on this list is limited -- I refrain from talking about things I have little knowledge of. However, I do know the MS stuff pretty well. In this case I think you need to back up a little, be a little less harsh when you're not in an area that lies within your expertise. --Merrick