Intrepid Video Info <info@intrepid-video.com> schrieb:
I've been looking for some time now, for a way to only allow
** Reply to message from Werner Reisberger <werner@pure.ch> on Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:15:23 +0000 What is wrong with the posting quoted below is that, instead of being informative, it refers us to the FAQ, which is equally uninformative. The FAQ mentions (au-passant) that one can deal with the problem by use of rc.local files, but gives no hint about how to do this. There is no list anywhere, as far as I (and apparently others) have been able to discover, of the various available rc.local files, what they do, and at what point in the process they act. Just as unfortunate, there is no central archive (or if there is, it is well hidden) from which one can obtain these files. In a word, the level of user- friendliness is very close to zero. Third-party hosting services offering SmartList feel no obligation to make these scripts available to users. Mine, for example does not. Perhaps you would post to the SmartList list, for the benefit of your users, a pointer to a list of scripts, with their descriptions; that would make them useful to a far wider group than they are now. Since the scripts are apparently all rather small files, perhaps you could even find a few kilobytes somewhere to post them for FTP download. Would that be difficult? plain text
emails on the list. I have three different rc.local files(s10, R20, etc) Which one an dhow can I configure it?
that's a faq question