Alan -- A non-reply usually means nobody has anything to contribute that they don't think is obvious. I don't really either -- but have you looked at the archiving subsystem? I expect you'll need to add some logic to mv 2 to 1, 3 to 2 and etc, then save the new one as 10. Regards, Pete. On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Alan Northam wrote:
I am using Smartlist on my server and when I send email it is archived in the archive directory called "latest". I have set smartlist to archive the latest ten emails that I send to the list. However the latest email sent to the list keeps receiving a numeric name that continues to increase. How can I set up smartlist so that the numeric name for the latest ten emails sent to the list remain named 1 - 10?
P.S. This is my second request concerning this question. If I missed someones answer then please forgive me and please repost answer. Tnx!